MyCock: Battle for the biggest Cock

MyCock is a quick, hilarious game to challenge your friends to fight for the biggest Cock! Crow your Cock. Feed your Cock. Enhance your Cock. Train your Cock. Measure your Cock.  Best of all, challenge other Cocks and win to make your Cock grow bigger!

Delaware, USA. 28 th August, 2022.– Sweet As Co Partners LLC, an emerging gaming company, with one hell of a fun portfolio, is excited to announce all players can now compare their cocks to others, challenge other cocks and watch their cock grow.

If a player comes across another player, both their Cocks will crow, letting everyone know they both have great Cocks. A Cock can use fireballs, karate kicks, flying attacks and other cool moves to win battles. Winning not only gets a player bragging rights about the prowess of their cock, but also makes the Cock grow. After all is said a done, a player can see how their cock measures up!

MyCock is a free-to-play game, perfect for those who need a bit of a laugh. It features not only a battle arena, but also a training room to practice moves against Colonel Pecker, enhancements to make a cock stand out from the crowd and a measuring stick to compare cock size.

MyCock is available from the App Store and Google Play.

Sweet As Co LLC is an emerging global games company with one hell of a fun portfolio. Our goal is to bring people a bit of a laugh. We do that by creating and developing cheeky mobile games that play upon the imagination.